Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Paucity of Poopers?

Are there going to be enough places to "fire one out" at the inauguration? Attending this event will be like going to Times Square for New Year's Eve - standing around in the freezing cold, ass to elbow with the great unwashed to "witness" an event you are to far away to actually see, or like going to the Tour de France - sit in the hot sun for three hours to see a bunch of homoerotic, shaved guys in tight shorts pedal furiously by you in 12 seconds flat. As the inspector in the Monty Python chocolate sketch said: "Well where's the pleasure in that? If people pop a nice chocy in their mouth, they don't expect to get both cheeks pierced!"
Is it me, or you glad Bush is gone? Sort of waking up and the fever has broken, a psychic fart being disbursed by the window of progressivism being opened, and the curtains are waving in the breeze.

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