Saturday, January 31, 2009


One could complain about Obama not putting CEO compensation limits in his new stimulus bill. As my dad always said, talk is cheap. Now don't get me wrong, I love Barack, however, why is this simple requirement not in the bill? We are giving vastly more money in the bailout, than we could purchase the companies for outright, and then we could fire all of the CEO's and board members. As Walter said to The Dude during the ransom drop, "Are you fucking this up, Dude?" Seems like our "representatives" continue to do just that. We should have the First Nationalized Bank of America, and cut out the damned middlemen. Why must these banks be in business anyway? To steal our money through the bailout, and lend it back to us at interest? The nationalized bank could hire all the tellers and mid level managers, and fire all of the geniuses that got us to this point in the first place, and renegotiate the onerous mortgages that we are going to pay for anyway, at the .25% prime rate. Maybe we could loan money out at 1% so the nationalized bank can make enough to pay the taxpayers back over time. The new bank would be chartered to actually lend money to small businesses, etc., instead of lining the pockets of the top people, while families get evicted from their homes. I don't know why this concept is so hard for our "representatives" to grasp, unless it is the fact that a truly national bank would not give them piles of money stolen from the very people they are supposed to represent, in the form of bribes, I mean campaign contributions.

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