Thursday, January 8, 2009

George Bush: Callous and Despicable

"It was his single most callous and despicable act. It stands at the heart of the national embarrassment that was his presidency.",8599,1870319,00.html Bush is the best liar ever - he can claim to be shocked by something he personally authorized. Despicable indeed. It's the same as them claiming that "no one could have ever predicted that terrorists would fly airplanes into buildings" as an excuse for being asleep at the switch before 9-11.

"Japan betrays trust during joint maneuvers and also sabotages financial market. US responds by sending in special forces and military, correcting market, and taking out leadership of Japan. Final act when disgruntled Japanese pilot flies airliner into Capital Building, frighteningly similar to the attacks today." (Plot summary, "Debt of Honor", Tom Clancey, written in 1994)

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