Tom Friedman has a smart editorial in the Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/07/opinion/07friedman.html?_r=1
My idea is to give Israel back to the A-rabs, and give the Jews North Dakota ("How ya' gonna' keep them down on the farm once they've seen Karl Hungus?") . We are not using it anyway, and it is WAY bigger than that sliver of rock they have over there. We could generate many jobs by hiring Disney to recreate all of the religious sites they have over there, since they are all based on phony mythology anyway, like Disneyland. A textured fiberglass "wailing wall" (have you seen how they bob back and forth like autistic kids in front of that thing?) and to toss a crumb to the Christofacists, a back-lit "Tomb of the Sepulchre" with an boulder that rolls back every three days at 10 a.m, and an animatronic Jesus pops out and "saves the world"? The ideas are endless.
My idea is to give Israel back to the A-rabs, and give the Jews North Dakota ("How ya' gonna' keep them down on the farm once they've seen Karl Hungus?") . We are not using it anyway, and it is WAY bigger than that sliver of rock they have over there. We could generate many jobs by hiring Disney to recreate all of the religious sites they have over there, since they are all based on phony mythology anyway, like Disneyland. A textured fiberglass "wailing wall" (have you seen how they bob back and forth like autistic kids in front of that thing?) and to toss a crumb to the Christofacists, a back-lit "Tomb of the Sepulchre" with an boulder that rolls back every three days at 10 a.m, and an animatronic Jesus pops out and "saves the world"? The ideas are endless.
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