Monday, January 12, 2009

Bush Revisionist History Tour

The following is from the Thurs., Sept 1st, 2005 blog entry from the "Facing South" blog. "Props to the Coast Guard. We've all seen the dramatic videos of helicopter rescues. At the latest count, they have saved nearly 3000 people. Apparently, the Coast Guard is the only federal agency that didn't sit around waiting for some politician to get back from vacation to tell them to go out there and save lives. Good for them."

"Oblivious. When asked why they didn't have food and water, FEMA Under Secretary Michael Brown just said in an interview with Paula Zahn on CNN that the federal government did not even know about the people at the NOLA convention center until today. I realize they are "managing" this by remote control, but don't they at least have cable TV? This is incompetence on a massive scale."

Today, "President" Bush took credit for the Coast Guard rescues of Hurricane Katrina survivors as evidence of his administration's great response to the disaster. Turns out, the rescue operations were already pre-planned, and the "administration" had nothing directly to do with the coordination or planning or execution of that amazing rescue effort.
The Bushies have been furiously rushing about in the last few weeks of their reign if terror trying to rewrite history, and this is but one example of the final batch of lies. Bush all but admitted being a war criminal today when he said he personally authorized torturing "detainees", to say nothing of the illegal invasion in Iraq. It's all OK, though, because they asked some lawyers if it was legal, and the ones they happened to pick to ask were right-wing radical fuckwits. How convenient.

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