Saturday, February 7, 2009

Gov. Sebelius for HHS? Ooooh! Ooooh! Ooooh! I got to meet the Gov. at a campaign rally in Hobbs, NM, October last, while on a "Road Trip for Change" from Houston registering voters for Barack. Met some of the coolest people I have ever had the pleasure of associating with, and was thrilled to have my photo taken with Gov. Sebelius after her speech for a rally in Hobbs. She is super smart, confident and compassion covers her entire demeanor. She could have bolted immediately after the rally, but she stayed behind talking with all of the volunteers and attendees, taking questions, posing for photos, etc. for at least a half hour. She is so cool, and would be a great HHS Sec. Barack could do a lot worse than her.

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