Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Capitalism at It's Finest

What higher power gives individuals, acting as corporations, the right to exploit the natural resources of the country, namely coal, fuel oil, natural gas etc., all power sources that belong to all the citizens of this country, and "sell" them back to the citizens at outrageous prices for the enrichment of the few? I have come to view capitalism in a continuing dimmer light as time goes on. Electrical power should be free, as should water. Also, the handing over of tax money for free to a handful of bankers that have fucked things up beyond recognition, so they can turn around and lend the same money back to the aforementioned taxpayers at usurious interest rates rightly, I feel, makes me question the core wisdom of the system, and those who have set up the laws, and continue to enforce these laws. To say nothing of the way we treat our veterans. Killed by the utility company for owing $1,000.00. This happens hundreds of times a year in the summer here in the south, the lack of AC being the instrument of utility company murder. Heat stroke.

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