There is a concept developed by my mom and me regarding the relative "tragedy" of persons dying whilst attempting outrageously dangerous activities. http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/europe/01/11/uk.adventurer.killed/index.html It stems from a botched Everest "expedition" by some insane Houston richies that lead to the death of some of the climbers when one of the rich women on the trip paid the Sherpas to drag her up to the summit on a sled, as she was exhausted and could not walk, instead of dragging life-saving oxygen bottles to the people already on the summit that were dying from asphyxiation, and did die. She caused their deaths because she wanted to be able to tell people she had reached the summit of Everest. Also, one of the other guys in the group literally had his nose amputated due to frostbite, along with several fingers and toes. It is hard to feel sympathy for people like this who put themselves in this much danger, and then end up dying. As Jeff Foxworthy has said, 'you might be a redneck if a member of you family has died immediately after saying 'hold my beer and watch this.' " Watch for more "Freezing your nose off" stories in this blog.
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